Introducing ETCASE: Empowering Secondary Schools for a Circular Economy

Hello everyone!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of ETCASE – Education Towards Circular And Sustainable Economy. Our ambitious project, funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program, is set to revolutionize the way secondary schools approach sustainability education.

At ETCASE, we believe that the transition to a circular economy is not just a necessity, but an exciting opportunity. It’s a chance to rethink our relationship with resources, to innovate, and to create a world where waste becomes a resource and sustainability is a way of life. And what better place to start this transformation than in our schools?

Over the next three years, our dedicated team of experts from 8 partner organizations across 6 European countries will work hand in hand to develop cutting-edge educational materials, engaging activities, and powerful tools that will help teachers and students embrace the principles of the circular economy.

Through research and innovation, we’ll gain deep insights into the attitudes and behaviors of youth regarding sustainability. These findings will guide the development of a comprehensive handbook, equipping teachers with the knowledge and strategies they need to effectively integrate circular economy concepts into their lessons.

But we’re not stopping at theory – we’re bringing the circular economy to life! Our on-site activities, such as re-use centers, workshops, and competitions, will provide students with hands-on experiences, showing them that sustainability can be fun, rewarding, and empowering.

We’re also creating a suite of innovative, target group-specific teaching materials and training concepts. These resources will enable teachers to seamlessly weave circular economy topics into their curricula, fostering a new generation of eco-conscious, action-oriented learners.

ETCASE is more than just a project – it’s a movement. It’s about coming together, across borders and disciplines, to drive positive change in education and shape a greener future for all. We invite secondary schools, teachers, students, and all those passionate about sustainability to join us on this exciting journey.

Stay tuned for updates, insights, and opportunities to get involved. Together, let’s make the circular economy the new norm in our schools and beyond!


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